Karnow, Stanley., The Viking Press, 1983, c1983, 1st pb edition, illus. Stanley Karnow (1925-2013) is the author of, among other books, the bestselling Vietnam: A History and the Pulitzer Prize-winning In Our Image: America and the Philippines.

Urn:oclc:867720537 Republisher_date 20120517003557 Republisher_operator Scandate 20120516174444 Scanner . Vietnam, a history Bookreader Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. He analyzes the conflict from both the political and military standpoint, and is unsparing in his criticism of errors made by political and military leaders on all sides of the conflict. Urn:lcp:vietnamhistory00karn_0:lcpdf:9f6793a7-b20d-4412-9612-02ff958aa953 Karnow delivers with crisp and precise prose an account of the Vietnam War which is both fair and objective. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 22:29:12 Boxid IA177901 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Stanley Karnow, the journalist and author best known for Vietnam: A History, his massive 1983 book that won the Pulitzer Prize and was the basis for a.